You can independently transform each model and object in your viewer.
A transform consists of the following operations, applied in this order:
- scale
- X-axis rotation (degrees),
- Y-axis rotation,
- Z-axis rotation
- translation
An object's transform is relative to its model's transform.
Transforming an object will dynamically update its boundary and geometry vertex positions. Transforming a model will
dynamically update its boundary, along with the boundary and geometry vertex positions of each of its objects (see Querying Boundaries and Querying Geometry).
In the example below, we'll load a glTF model of a reciprocating saw. Then we rotate the saw 90 degrees about its local X axis, so that we see it from the side. Finally, we translate and rotate a cover object, away from the saw, to reveal the saw's inner objects.
var viewer = new xeometry.Viewer();
viewer.setEye([53.06, -198.07, 302.47]);
viewer.setLook([-110.88, -24.57, 87.87]);
viewer.setUp([0.38, 0.76, 0.50]);
viewer.loadModel("saw", "ReciprocatingSaw.gltf", function () {
viewer.setRotate("saw", [90, 0, 0]);
viewer.setTranslate("saw#3.1", [0, 80, -50]);
viewer.setRotate("saw#3.1", [-90, 0, 0]);
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More examples
Translating a model along the X axis, scale it, then rotate it 90 degrees about its X-axis:
viewer.setTranslate("saw", [100,0,0]);
viewer.setScale("saw", [0.5,0.5,0.5]);
viewer.setRotate("saw", [90,0,0]);
Spinning an object about its Y-axis:
var angles =[0,0,0]; // Tait-Bryant angles about X, Y and Z, in degrees
function spin() {
viewer.setRotate("saw#3.1", angles);
angles[1] += 0.1;
Getting a model's translation, scale and rotation:
var translate = viewer.getTranslate("saw");
var scale = viewer.getScale("saw");
var rotate = viewer.getRotate("saw");
Getting an object's translation, scale and rotation:
var translate = viewer.getTranslate("saw#3.1");
var scale = viewer.getScale("saw#3.1");
var rotate = viewer.getRotate("saw#3.1");