Loading Models
glTF 2.0 models are xeometry's unit of content. You can load multiple models into a Viewer at the same time, as well as multiple copies of the same models. You can then manipulate the appearance of each model as a unit, or manipulate each of its objects individually.
xeometry only loads glTF 2.0 geometries, materials and transforms. It does not (yet) load animations, cameras or lights.
When you load a model, you assign it a unique ID so that you can find it within the viewer. That ID will get prefixed to the IDs of the model's objects. This allows two or more copies of the same model to be loaded at the same time, without ID clashes between their objects. See Querying Models and Objects for more info on querying objects within your models.
Loading a model into a viewer:
viewer.loadModel("saw", "./Reciprocating_Saw.gltf", function () {
// Loaded
[ Run demo ]
Loading two separate models into a viewer:
viewer.loadModel("saw", "./Reciprocating_Saw.gltf", function () {
// Loaded
viewer.loadModel("gearbox", "./GearboxAssy.gltf", function () {
// Loaded
[ Run demo ]
Loading two copies of the same model into a viewer:
viewer.loadModel("saw1", "./Reciprocating_Saw.gltf", function () {
// Loaded
viewer.loadModel("saw2", "./Reciprocating_Saw.gltf", function () {
// Loaded
[ Run demo ]
Unloading a model:
Clearing everything from the viewer:
Other things you can do with models
Hide and show a model (see Visibility):
Fly the camera to look at a model (see Fitting things in view):
viewer.viewFit("gearbox", function() {
// Camera arrived
Get IDs of all models currently loaded (see Querying Models and Objects):
var models = viewer.getModels();
Get IDs of objects in a model (see Querying Models and Objects):
var saw = viewer.getObjects("gearbox");
Get the World-space boundary of a model (see Querying Boundaries):
var saw = viewer.getObjects("gearbox");
Transform a model (see Transforming):
viewer.setTranslate("gearbox", [100,0,0]);
viewer.setScale("gearbox", [0.5,0.5,0.5]);
viewer.setRotate("gearbox", [90,0,0]);