Things you can do through the xeometry API:
- Create multiple viewers in a page - see Creating a Viewer
- Load multiple 3D glTF 2.0 models into a viewer - see Loading Models
- Query what models and objects are loaded - see Querying Models and Objects
- Show and hide objects - see Visibility
- Make objects transparent - see Transparency
- Translate, rotate and scale objects - see Transforming
- Assign type strings (eg. IFC) to objects, so that the types can be used instead of IDs when when specifying objects to viewer methods - see Assigning types to objects
- Animate the camera - see Controlling the camera, Panning the camera, Rotating the camera, Zooming the camera and Camera projections
- Move the camera to fit objects in view - see Fitting things in view
- Pin annotations on objects - see Annotations
- Create custom clipping planes - see Clipping
- Create light sources - see Lighting
- Draw outlines around objects to emphasise them - see Outlining
- Query 3D boundaries of models and objects - see Querying Boundaries
- Query 3D geometry of objects - see Querying Geometry
- Pick objects with canvas coordinates, or a 3D ray - see Picking
- Take canvas snaphots - see Canvas snapshots
- Save and load JSON bookmarks of viewer state - see Bookmarking
There are bound to be some things the API doesn't do for your app. If your requirements are within the scope of viewing and manipulating glTF content, then please log the issue for discussion.